Episode 53: White Family Feud
Even pro-white dissidents take joyful family vacations when they can find the time…and record a show for your enjoyment to boot! Join us around the merry kitchen table of an undisclosed beach haus on the eastern seaboard this week for the first (and hopefully not last) edition of White Family Feud, hosted by the inimitable Ray Howa-Combs.
Closing track: “Atlantic City” by The Band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0eZwpHtcK4
Don’t forget to write our political prisoners! Find the details here: https://national-justice.com/americas-political-prisoners or on Potatosmasher’s Telegram: www.t.me/potatosmasher
And do check out our piece kicking you in the ass to get your asses in gear to whiter and greener pastures: https://www.full-haus.com/index.php/2020/06/17/so-you-want-to-move-to-white-rural-america/
Telegram: www.t.me/prowhitefam
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/fullhaus
Email: fullhausshow@protonmail.com
And don’t forget to subscribe to the show via RSS, slackers: https://fullhaus.libsyn.com/rss
We love ya fam, and we’ll talk to you next week.