Episode 67: Election Night Livestream
Join the Birth Panel and a rotating roster of all-star guests for our live commentary on the occasion of our insanity, Election Night 2020. It’s not all just results reading but a fine blend of analysis and tall dad tales.
Birth Panelists: Coach, Mr. Reproducer, Sam, Smasher, Jayoh, Flashman, Moto, Dom, Nathaniel Scott, Rusty
Full Haus Official Fan #2: Whitey
Special Guests: Ahab, Nam, Theo, Dark Enlightenment, Longshanks, Townes van Plants, D’Marcus Leibowitz, Kegs for Kavanaugh, and Striker
Break track we never played due to our commitment to broadcasting continuity and respect for the DLive Lemon Gallery: “The End” by Pryda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-auQPsOnXhg
Be sure to subscribe to us for future livestreams at www.DLive.TV/FullHaus
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New Telegram channel with ALL shows available for download coming soon.
And of course find expert commentary at t.me/prowhitefam and always feel free to drop us a line at fullhausshow@protonmail.com
We love ya fam. Buckle up and we’ll talk to you again THIS WEEK for an election post-mortem.