Episode 42: Nobody Rides For Free
Another war in the Middle East looming with the potential for blowback on the homefront? No problem! We planned ahead and covered prepping essentials for white fathers this week. You DO NOT want to be unprepared and scared when the SHTF and you have cold, hungry, frightened children looking up to you for comfort and safety.
We also tackle two tough questions from pro-white listeners: one suffers from same-sex attraction, and another has a half-Japanese wife. They’re seeking answers as to where they might stand in our thing, and we do our best to advise them.
Bonus content: what the hell to do with a toddler who’s more difficult than toddlers naturally are! Don’t miss this one.
If you like what you hear and would like to support the show, drop us a line! fullhausshow@protonmail.com
Follow us on twitter @prowhitefam and on Telegram @prowhitefam
Break track: “Nobody Rides for Free” by Ratt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_WMP1gebP0
Closing track: “If I Needed You” by Townes Van Zandt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaP8NGML_QE
Referenced this week:
SAS Survival Guide https://www.amazon.com/SAS-Survival-Handbook-Third-Surviving/dp/0062378074
Bushcraft 101: https://www.amazon.com/Bushcraft-101-Field-Wilderness-Survival/dp/1440579776
Walden, and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau https://www.gutenberg.org/files/205/205-h/205-h.htm
“Boots” by Rudyard Kipling https://www.poetryloverspage.com/poets/kipling/boots.html
“For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/for-40-years-this-russian-family-was-cut-off-from-all-human-contact-unaware-of-world-war-ii-7354256/
The Snake Diet: https://www.snakediet.com/getting-started
The Science of Fasting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1b08X-GvRs
We love ya fam, and we’ll talk to you next week. Get prepping TODAY