Episode 149: Back in the Saddle
The one-and-only Christopher Cantwell sits down with us for over two hours to address everything under the sun, including his prison experience, reclaimed “liberty,” the Charlottesville trial, and his new approach going forward. In the second half we air a ton of great news from the audience, and tackle the toughest question we’ve ever received.
Support Chris here, subscribe to his Telegram channel, and find all his work at ChristopherCantwell.net
Bumper: “Back in the Saddle” by Aerosmith
Break: “War Drums” by No Face Nate
Close: “Running up that Hill” by Meg Myers
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We love ya fam, and we’ll talk to you next week!
Pingback: Full Haus EP149 - Back in the Saddle w/ Cantwell Jan 6 2023 - Christopher Cantwell
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