
Empty Selves

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If you haven’t heard, there’s a bug going around. The Birth Panel tops off your prepping tank with how they’re securing their homefronts, whether this is The Great Happening or a bump in the road, how to spend your Wuhandouts, and an honest assessment of the grim realities of our current situation. Bonus: a Smeagol tour de force from Middle Earth.

Listen on your way to get last minute supplies before this whole shitshow gets locked down!

If you’d like to donate to the show, drop us a line at fullhausshow@protonmail.com. Follow us on Telegram at t.me/prowhitefam and follow our fan account at twitter.com/prowhitefans.

Break track: “Balls to the Wall,” by Accept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_3TlrZLpQ0

Closing track: “Young Men Dead,” by The Black Angels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtQe3Mfb26U

Links mentioned in this episode: Mannerbund Dispatch: https://themannerbund.com/2020/03/17/coronavirus-dispatch/

Bob Whitaker’s Gold Mine of Clips: http://whitakeronline.org/townhall.htm

Bob Whitaker’s Mantra: https://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/the-white-mantra/

We love ya fam, and we’ll talk to you next week if the Internet is still up.