
The Bankruptcy of Unz’s Immigration Lectures

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There’s no question that Ron Unz is brilliant, hard-working, and does our cause a great service both by publishing our heretics (Eric Striker, Philip Giraldi, and Steve Sailer, e.g.) as well as his own lengthy haymakers, from Jewish overrepresentation in Ivy League admissions to obvious lies about the “Holocaust.”  As an independently wealthy Jew, Unz enjoys a little more leeway to publish thought crime, and catches far less flak for it than the rest of us.

Yet Unz also regularly revisits his own claim that Hispanic immigration does not increase crime, and is now using it to pat immigration restrictionists on the head and whisper sweet nothings about the painless consequences of the deliberate browning of America.  A cheeky commenter once coined Unz’s cognitively dissonant “nothing to see here!” stance on the Hispanic invasion as “Unzism.”

The dissident publisher doubled down on this argument in an uncharacteristically weak and infuriating way in his “The Political Bankruptcy of American White Nationalism,” published July 27.  The title alone is catnip for people on our side, and Full Haus is taking the bait.

Unz uses an email he received from a 30-something sycophant with the subject “You were a prophet” as the vehicle to inform us knuckle-dragging White nationalists and patriotic immigration reformers that the real problem with America is not over half a century of mass nonwhite immigration (nor the formative Jewish role in it) but “the sadomasochistic relationship between white liberals and blacks.”  Mmm hmm, as a sassy black lady might retort.

If you’re skeptical of this claim, clearly you are not a genius.  You see, it’s time to really focus on BLACK-WHITE RELATIONS as the source of America’s ills, since our history is painfully devoid of such emphasis, and maybe if we finally try, we’ll gain the skeleton key to everything from working class wage stagnation to anti-white discrimination to race riots and the covid pandemic.  It’s not like we haven’t had race riots that eventually burned themselves out, after all.

Call us crazy, but elevating America’s perennially divisive issue as both source and solution to our current unprecedented instability and dissatisfaction with the country seems deliberately obtuse.  We’ve had black-white “issues” for centuries, including slave revolts, domestic upheaval over Civil Rights, nationwide race riots…and now the mass hysteria and statue-toppling of anti-white hatred unleashed.  What’s going on now is of course consistent with that history, but to prioritize it absent the rapidly diminishing power of the White electorate, absolute Jewish consolidation of mass media and social media, and the endless arrival of assimilation-hostile foreigners is either idiocy or obfuscation.

Unz disparages Steve Sailer and his continued residence in California as evidence that the transformation of California from a White paradise and rock-ribbed Republican state to majority-minority virtually Bolshevik territory is no big deal.  Unz apparently cares about the absence of dramatic violence in immigrant-dense territories more than he does about the increasing absence of White people.  A friend of Full Haus, however, suggested that Unz should move to hyper-diverse East Palo Alto to prove his California bona fides. 

Unz seems to be saying that as long as white racial dispossession via nonwhite invasion happens safely and doesn’t spook the normie horses too badly, well then, it’s a political loser and thus irrelevant.  This appears to be yet another kosher sandwich, in which conservatives don’t mind white displacement so long as it’s done legally, and big brains like Unz don’t mind it so long as it doesn’t lead to a transcontinental Mad Max.  Which, as anyone with one eye, half a brain, and a TV or an internet connection knows from the past few months, it rapidly is becoming.

Unz argues that violent unrest is localized to just lingering majority-White metropolises like Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis.  Which of course is again deliberately misleading, given that we’ve had violent riots in vibrant and immigrant-enriched Atlanta, New York, and Washington, DC – including plenty of the Mestizo faces Unz apparently fetishizes in the frothing mobs. The invasion has supercharged the classic American race riot.

While lecturing White nationalists about the folly of focusing on immigration, Unz drops a real whopper:

So this is the dilemma faced by Alt-Right leaders and similar “nationalist” right-wingers, including many of the individuals around Trump. They have spent the last few years focusing on a largely synthetic issue that has very little connection to the actual reality that most ordinary Americans see in their day-to-day lives. And as a result, they may have destroyed themselves politically.

No one who views replacement-level nonwhite immigration (legal or illegal) as “a largely synthetic issue” should be considered a serious commentator on the issue: it’s as deathly serious as they come.  Nor should someone who argues it has “very little connection to the actual reality that most ordinary Americans see.”  On the contrary, it’s the most existential of the challenges facing us, and the most visible and tangible for all white Americans, from white collar workers training their replacements to soccer moms seeing their public schools go Third World to rural Americans seeing alien, hostile faces appear where for centuries there were none.  Is there a single issue that radicalizes more White Americans by reality than seeing their once-lily white, safe, quiet, and cohesive neighborhoods become unrecognizable bazaars in less than a generation?  And as anyone who has seen the statue desecration footage can comprehend, it’s not just “white liberals” and blacks hauling down monuments to White greatness and clamoring for military bases and public schools to be renamed.

But let’s be charitable for a moment and grant Unz’s premise, that the BLM chaos in the streets is separate from immigration issues, and more important than them.  Even if true, someone has to bang the drum on the invasion and the unavoidable truth that we’re being flooded not by native Europeans or Afrikaners, that that was a deliberate policy decision pioneered and sustained largely by Jews, and that if not halted and reversed, will result in White Americans becoming the new kulaks of the 21st century.  Whether it’s smart politics in a completely bought-and-paid-for political system is irrelevant: speaking out against manifest evils is the supreme function of a citizen, to adapt Enoch Powell.

The fact that Unz felt compelled to write his diatribe against the Sailers and Brimelows and Coulters and Buchanans of the immigration restriction movement alone refutes his argument: they speak out and receive massive audiences for their efforts (including on!), because the unwashed White masses don’t want their children to grow up as a despised minority in the country built by their ancestors, even if all our new arrivals just want to get a third of an acre in the suburbs and consume product.

And about those politics of immigration restriction: Trump won because he made immigration a centerpiece of his campaign and dressed it up in populist rhetoric.  The trade patriotism and realist foreign policy advocacy were icing on the cake.  White American pulses were sent racing over “Build the Wall!” not “raise tariffs,” or even “no more wars.”  Trump of course failed to deliver on his promises due to his own lack of discipline, horrendous administration staffing, and standard GOP mendacity.  He will lose in November because of this, and a browner electorate, not because he didn’t do enough to correct the relationship between white liberals and blacks.  What would Unz have us do?  Resurrect the Klan?  Pass even more forgiving “prison reform?”  Or maybe an American Truth & Reconciliation Commission, or reparations, will finally heal the binary racial divide he sees. 

It appears that Unz is getting ratio’d to high heaven in the replies to his piece, and Unz commenters are among the sharpest on the Internet.  Good.  And we’re not just happy to pile on: we felt duty bound to do it.

Unz made a name for himself by championing California’s Proposition 227 to passage in 1998, which promoted English language instruction in public schools to replace “bilingual education.”  Eighteen years later, it was overturned by a California electorate much less white than the one that passed it.  To take Ron Unz seriously on immigration, you have to believe that he just sees that as part and parcel of the invasion he urges his readers to accept.


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